Performing Arts Section

Some of our current projects

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Foundation Stone Meditation

The Foundation Stone Meditation group of eurythmists and speakers have been meeting since 2013, and have been involved in performing for Society events on several occasions. The group have now taken on learning and working with the text in Irish, and have prepared a workshop/fundraising event which they are happy to share around the country to any interested groups. 

‘Mind the gap’

If the tongue is a muscle of the soul, then language could be described as the landscape of the spirit, to be revealed by the virtue (and the discipline) of speech formation.
The English poet William Wordsworth sings about ‘Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears’, pointing downwards, suggesting the gesture of ‘mining the depths’ to find the meaning of the words.
To reach a thought in the lofty Slavic landscape the polar opposite gesture is required.
It should not take us by surprise, then, that Rudolf Steiner stated that the origin of all the world’s political turmoil springs from the unresolved polarities between the English and the Russian spirits.
This proposed intersectional research combines an exploration of the spoken language and the current world situation for the sake of healing.

Three short plays by Lady Gregory

This production is being prepared for the celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s Speech and Drama Course in Dornach this coming summer, 2024. The work will bring the audience into an experience of the Celtic Revival movement, active in Ireland during Rudolf Steiner’s Dornach years.  It is planned to tour the production on the continent before presenting it in Dornach; then to continue the tour in Ireland during the autumn 2024.

‘Vidar Speaks’ – Collaborative work

A collaboration with colleagues in Norway. Exploring through the medium of film, spoken word and eurythmy, the underlying eurythmic inspiration behind the windows of Carlo Pietzner in the chapel of Vidarasen Camphill Community.  This project has received funding from the UK.

About the Section for the Performing Arts

Music, drama, dance, and eurythmy are all art forms of time. They lead us beyond time and into space, panorama. Their aim is to imaginatively  seek and grasp what is eternal in the moment.

The Performing Arts Section serves as a forum for sharing research and ideas. Collaboration in the Section also provides a safe space for giving and receiving encouragement and critiques from colleagues. Funding for projects is also taken up within the Section.

Work of the Performing Arts section in Ireland

In September, 2017 the first meeting of the Performing Arts Section in Ireland took place in Grangebeg Camphill Community, Co Kildare.  Nine performing artists were present, with a further eight people sending support.  The arts represented were eurythmy, speech and drama, music, and clowning.  Stefan Hasler, Leader of the Section in Dornach, sent an email expressing his enthusiasm for this initiative. 

See the list (left) for more details of our current work

Supporting the Section and its work

Funding is a necessity for the life of performance artists, and indeed, for the performance to reach the public.  Therefore, we hope members and friends of the Society will feel inspired to support the work of this Section through donations.  Without the living arts, the soul loses its vitality.

We warmly welcome your donation here:

Eurythmy form